Haematological and Biochemical Responses of Heterobranchus bidorsalis to Imidacloprid
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Published: 31 May 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The aim of the study was to unveil the effect of imidacloprid (one of the most prevalent insecticide in the Niger Delta, Nigeria) on some blood and enzyme parameters in heterobranchus bidorsalis. Thirty five (35) adult heterobranchus bidorsalis (mean length 22.43 ±2.42 cm, mean weight, 166.70±0.33g) were acclimatized to Laboratory condition for seven days and then exposed to varying sub-lethal concentrations of the toxicant (0.28, 0.42 and 0.56 mgl-1 in a semi static bioassay for 14 days. Red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), platelets (plat), haemoglobin (Hb), lymphocytes (Lymp) and neurophils (Neut) were determined in the blood while ALP (alkaline phosphatase) and ALP (acid phosphatase) were determined in the kidney. Across 0.00 – 0.56mg/l of the toxicants, the result revealed that white blood cells were 2.45 – 31.55 103mm-3, platelets were 409.00 – 941.50 x10-5, red blood cells were 6.40 – 7.60 106mm-3, haemoglobin were 6.55 – 11.85 gl-1, lymphocytes were 93.50 – 96.50% and neutrophil were 3.50 – 6.50%. There was significant difference (P<0.05) based on concentration for each of the parameters except for lymphocytes and red blood cells. White blood cell and Haemoglobin values were in a dose dependent pattern, while platelets and neutrophils values fluctuate within the experimental group. Furthermore the level of alkaline and phosphatase was significantly dependent on concentration with a value of 135.20 μ/𝐿 at 0.00 mg/l and 75.50 μ/𝐿 at 0.56 mg/l and 103.00 μ/𝐿 at 0.00 mg/l and 33.00 μ/𝐿 at 0.56 mg/l respectively. Alkaline and phosphatase values were significant in a dose dependent pattern. Both values retrogressed as the concentration of toxicant increases. Imidacloprid could be toxic at high concentration; hence, it should be used with caution. Further studies are required to evaluate the potential environmental risk of imidacloprid.
Keywords: Alkaline and acid phosphatase, Blood cells, Fisheries, Imidacloprid, Toxicant.

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How to Cite
Inyang I.R1*, Korogbegha, T.F1. (2018-05-31). "Haematological and Biochemical Responses of Heterobranchus bidorsalis to Imidacloprid." *Volume 2*, 2, 41-46